My name is Sam Ferra, and I am a freelance filmmaker and writer from Tampa Bay, Florida. Born in 2002 and growing up on the cusp of the social media era, my work -- film and otherwise -- is informed by bridging the gaps between the old and new, blending the nostalgic with the cutting-edge. I have a keen interest in how budding technologies, in filmmaking and beyond, shape the way we tell stories and communicate with one another. My films engage multiple mediums, both analog and digital, while grappling with questions of how we communicate, relate, and shape our culture as technologies develop. My writing examines similar questions, albeit offers a more analytical, rather than emotional or aesthetic approach.

     In my freelance film work, I collaborate with my clients to enact a shared vision that emerges from both verbal discussion, as well as visual and written elements (storyboards, treatments, screenplays, and more). My vocabulary and strong sense of aesthetics allow me to both communicate and understand the ideas my clients and I seek to transform from mere concepts to vivid, captivating art. My ability to communicate effectively with my clients and be on the same page creatively results in efficient -- and most importantly -- fun productions. If you are my client (or I am your employee) you can be confident that I strive to create only the highest quality work that truly reflects your original vision.
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